Are Laser Pointers For Cats Safe?

cat sitting and looking at laser toy

It almost seems like laser pointers were made for cats. Many cats love chasing lasers around as the light darts across the room and up walls. This can be a great way to get your cat some exercise and mental stimulation, too.

But how safe are laser toys for cats? Cat parents no doubt want their cats and kittens to be healthy when having fun. Well, how safe a laser pointer is for cats depends on how you use them.

Are Cat Laser Pointers Safe To Use?

Generally speaking yes, laser pointer toys are safe to use with cats. However, there are ways you can use a laser toy that may pose a risk to your cat.

First and foremost, laser pointers can be blinding for all creatures, people and cats included. Make sure to never point the laser pointer directly at your cat or near their head. A stray light going directly into their eye could cause permanent damage to your cat’s vision.

Also, cats tend to be single-mindedly focused on laser pointers while playing. Whipping the light around a room might encourage your cat to chase at full speed without regard to hurdles or items in their way. This can lead to collisions which might cause harm to your cat.

So, make sure to keep the laser toy focused away from your cat’s head, and try to use it in large, open areas. 

Laser Pointers And Your Cat’s Development

One big issue with laser pointers that goes overlooked is how they affect cats mentally. Cats love chasing toys because it taps into their inner hunter. However, catching the light from a laser pointer is impossible, and this can lead to disappointment in your cat. 

While safe to use, try to incorporate a way for your cat to “catch” a laser; or, at the very least, reward them if they seemingly catch it.

One way to ensure that you aren’t affecting your cat’s mental health is to limit how often you use the laser pointer. If you notice any changes in your cat’s behavior, it might be time to put it away for a bit and switch to a different toy.

Laser Toys And Fun For Cats

While the safety concerns about laser pointers for cats are clear, it is worth pointing out that there are benefits to using laser toys with your cat.

Lasers are a fun toy for cats, and if your cat is suffering from boredom, then a laser toy could be just enough to shake things up for your cat. Laser toys are also a relatively low-effort and low-impact toys for humans to operate. Not everybody moves like they used to, but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying play time with your cat!

Tips For Using Cat Laser Toys

Again, laser pointers can work as great toys for your cat. Here are some tips to remember to make sure playtime stays fun.

  • Don’t point the laser toy at your cat’s eyes, or within the vicinity of their eyes.
  • Try to use the laser pointer in open areas to avoid collisions.
  • Keep in mind the psychological effects of a laser toy. Let your cat “catch” something to reward it for its hard work.
  • Use low-level laser pointers. No need to use powerful lasers with your cat. When in doubt, go with a cat safe laser toy.

Final Thoughts: Are Laser Pointers Safe For Cats?

When used correctly, laser pointers should pose no threat to your cat’s mental or physical health. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t exercise caution when using a laser toy, especially if your cat has never played with one before.

FAQs for Are Laser Pointers Safe for Cats?

Is it okay to play with a cat with a laser pointer?

If you follow our tips and other safety practices, playing with a cat with a laser pointer can be perfectly safe.

Do laser pointers give cats anxiety?

While many cats can play with a laser pointer with no adverse effects, some cats may experience anxiety with a laser pointer. If you find your cat acting strangely after playing with a laser pointer, consider putting it away for good.

Why do cats chase after lasers?

A laser catches your cat’s attention the same way prey would catch its attention in the wild. Essentially, your cat goes into predator mode when it sees a laser pointer.

Thomas Short
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