Why Is My Cat Sleeping So Much?

sleepy cat

Cats are notorious for enjoying a good nap at any time of the day. Most cats sleep between 12-18 hours per day, though other cats may sleep for up to 20 hours a day. 

If you’re a new kitten owner or notice that your cat is sleeping more often than usual, you probably don’t have to worry. However, different factors influence how often your cat sleeps, and there’s nothing wrong with worrying about your cat’s health.

This article explores reasons why your cat might be sleeping so much and whether or not you should be concerned.

Reasons Your Cat is Sleeping So Much

If your cat is sleeping a lot — maybe more than you would have expected — here could be some of the reasons.

Your cat’s age

Age plays a huge role in how much your cat is going to sleep. Kittens and older cats both sleep more than average, while adult cats have a good balance between active and awake time. As your cat grows older, expect it to take longer, more frequent naps.

Your cat’s diet

Ever eaten a string of unhealthy meals that just made you feel tired? Your cat could be the same way. Making sure your cat has a healthy diet is important, and extra sleeping could be a sign that they need more nutrition in their meal. Remember that diet can include how much water your cat drinks, so try out some ways to get your cat to drink more water.

Not enough exercise

Just like humans, cats have more energy throughout the day when they exercise more. Making sure your cat has enough exercise during the day keeps it healthy. Similarly, your cat could be sleeping more because it’s bored. Playtime is essential, so consider buying a new toy to stimulate your cat’s playful side. 

Your cat’s environment

Have you started staying up late at night playing loud movies? Did you recently have guests over for an extended stay? Any factors that influence your sleep can influence your cat’s sleep. 

Also, environmental factors out of your control — like a heat wave or rainy weather — can affect your cat’s sleeping habits. Weather changes are temporary, so you don’t have much to be concerned about.

Personality and breed

Some cats just sleep more, and that’s alright. Larger cats like Ragdolls are known to be a little lazier and sleepier than other breeds, and some cats just enjoy napping all day. If your cat has no clear health problems, then they might be sleeping a lot because they enjoy it.

Health issues

Health issues, such as anemia or diabetes, can impact your cat’s energy and lead to more sleep. If you’re concerned that your cat might not be feeling well, schedule a visit with your vet. 

When to Be Worried if Your Cat is Sleeping So Much

The only time you should be worried about your cat sleeping so much is if the change was sudden and ongoing. Everybody needs a little sleep for a few days here and there, but a drastic change in sleeping habits that persist could be a sign of an underlying issue.

Any sleeping changes combined with other changes, such as loss of appetite, rapid weight loss, or general lethargy, can all be signs that something is wrong with your cat. If this is the case, it’s time to talk to your vet. 

Is it Normal for My Cat to Sleep All Day?

Yes, many cats prefer to sleep during the day. Cats are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during the low-light hours of dusk and dawn. Napping during the day is perfectly normal, and napping in the sun is even better!

Again, you shouldn’t be concerned about your cat sleeping so much unless something seems off. In most cases, cats sleeping so much during the day is perfectly normal. 

FAQs for Why is My Cat Sleeping So Much

Why is my cat so tired all of a sudden?

Your cat might have had bad sleep or is exhausted from playtime. However, something more threatening, such as a health issue, might be at play. Check your cat’s behavior to see if anything is off outside of its sleep schedule, and visit your vet if you think something might be wrong. 

How do I know if my cat is depressed?

Aside from more sleep, signs of depression in cats can include lethargy, excessive grooming, loss of appetite, and a lack of interest in playtime. 

Is my cat sick or just tired?

Your cat could be sick, tired, or both. Small changes in your cat’s behavior could indicate it’s tired, but big changes could be a sign of sickness. 

Thomas Short
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