Can Cats Eat Birds?

cat licking lips and looking at bird

Maybe you’ve seen your cat catch a bird, or maybe you think it could happen soon. Regardless, as natural hunters, cats regularly catch birds.

Knowing what we know about diseases, bacteria, and overall hygiene, is it safe for your cat to eat a bird it caught? A cat’s diet needs to be well balanced, but eating something unknown can cause fear in cat owners.

The good news is that if your cat did indeed catch a bird, you probably don’t have too much to worry about.

Can a Cat Get Sick from Eating a Bird?

Yes, a cat can get sick from eating a bird. However, keep in mind that all creatures can get sick from eating anything. Haven’t you ever eaten something normal and felt sick afterward?

If your cat does get sick from eating a bird, it may vomit or have diarrhea. In severe cases, your cat could catch something more serious, like a parasite or virus. Monitor your cat’s behavior in the days and weeks following its catch and look for any changes that could indicate your cat isn’t feeling well.

The good news is that, in most cases, your cat will be completely fine after eating a bird. After all, birds are a natural part of a wild cat’s diet, and it’s safe for cats to eat raw meat from all types of animals including birds like chickens.

Can Cats Digest Bird Feathers?

Yes, cats can eat and digest bird feathers with ease. However, the risks that come with eating a bird apply to its feathers. A bird could have been exposed to a virus or bacteria, something that its feathers could transmit to your cat.

Another thing to be concerned about is anything that was covering the bird’s feathers. For example, pesticides or herbicides that were recently sprayed nearby could have landed on the bird’s feathers, only to be ingested by your cat. Again, look for significant changes in your cat’s health and behavior, and contact your vet if you think something is seriously wrong.

Should I Let My Cat Eat a Bird?

In terms of health and safety, it’s best to take a bird away from your cat instead of letting it eat the bird. While the risks of getting sick are low, you may want to play it safe to avoid any discomfort for your cat and needing to clean up any messes around the home.

It is worth reiterating that, while not necessarily ideal, eating a bird is probably fine for your cat. So, if your cat just ate a bird and you’re worried, relax a bit and just keep an eye on your feline friend.

Thomas Short
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